菲律宾2025年预算拨出数百万美元用于幼儿教育奖学金和新中心。 Philippines' 2025 budget allocates millions for early childhood education scholarships and new centers.
菲律宾2025年预算总额为6 326万亿比索,对幼儿教育进行了大量投资,拨款8 000万比索用于儿童发展工作者的奖学金,2 400万比索用于服务不足地区新的儿童发展中心。 The Philippines' 2025 budget, totaling 6.326 trillion pesos, significantly invests in early childhood education, allocating 80 million pesos for scholarships for child development workers (CDWs) and 24 million pesos for new Child Development Centers (CDCs) in underserved areas. 目标是提高工人的技能,扩大接受早期教育的机会,从而改进幼儿保育和发展方案。 The goal is to improve ECCD programs by enhancing workers' skills and expanding access to early education.