议会小组审查印度同时举行全国和邦级选举的法案。 Parliamentary panel to review bills for simultaneous national and state elections in India.
一个议会小组将于星期三开会,审查两项旨在同时举行选举的法案。 A parliamentary panel will meet on Wednesday to review two bills aimed at holding simultaneous elections. 法律和司法部官员将向由39名成员组成的委员会介绍情况,该委员会由人民党MP P P P Chaudhary领导,成员包括来自国会和人民党等主要政党的成员。 The 39-member committee, led by BJP MP P P Chaudhary and including members from major parties like Congress and AAP, will be briefed by officials from the Law and Justice Ministry. 冬季会议期间提出的法案提议修正《宪法》和《联邦领土法》,以便于同时举行全国和各州的选举。 The bills, introduced during the Winter Session, propose amendments to the Constitution and Union Territories Laws to facilitate national and state elections happening at the same time. 该委员会的规模从31个增加到包括更多的政党。 The committee's size was increased from 31 to include more parties.