巴基斯坦计划削减成本,在2025年6月之前取消150 000个职位,合并各部。 Pakistan plans to cut costs by abolishing 150,000 posts and merging ministries by June 2025.
巴基斯坦财政部长Muhammad Aurangzeb宣布计划在2025年6月30日前完成政府的“权利化”倡议, 目的是提高效率和降低成本。 Pakistan's Finance Minister, Muhammad Aurangzeb, announced plans to complete the government's "rightsizing" initiative by June 30, 2025, aiming to enhance efficiency and reduce costs. 该战略包括取消150 000个空缺员额,合并或取消一些部委,外包诸如清洁和园艺等非核心服务。 The strategy includes abolishing 150,000 vacant posts, merging or eliminating some ministries, and outsourcing non-core services like cleaning and gardening. 改革是使支出合理化和与国际货币基金组织基准一致的更广泛努力的一部分。 The reforms are part of a broader effort to rationalize expenditures and align with International Monetary Fund benchmarks.