北方铁路公司报告说,自2022年7月以来损失的物品超过32 690件,敦促乘客检查物品。 Northern Rail reports over 32,690 lost items since July 2022, urging passengers to check belongings.
自2022年7月以来,北方铁路公司记录了32 690多件丢失物品,包括假肢、仓鼠和10公斤鸡胸等不寻常物品。 Since July 2022, Northern Rail has recorded over 32,690 lost items, including unusual objects like a prosthetic leg, hamster, and a 10kg box of chicken breasts. 电话和笔记本电脑是最经常丢失的物品。 Phones and laptops are the most commonly lost items. 该公司的商业和客户经理Alex Hornby敦促乘客在离开火车之前检查所有物品,以避免安全警报和延误。 Alex Hornby, the company's commercial and customer director, urges passengers to check all belongings before exiting trains to avoid security alerts and delays.