Nonstop Retail 在孟买开设了第一家商店,销售助行器,并计划在印度各地扩张。 Nonstop Retail opens first Mumbai store, selling mobility aids with plans to expand across India.
《不停止零售》在印度孟买开设了第一家商店,提供来自全球品牌的高质量流动性和康复产品。 Nonstop Retail has opened its first store in Mumbai, India, offering high-quality mobility and rehabilitation products from global brands. 该商店提供专家咨询、个性化建议和售后支持。 The store provides expert consultations, personalized recommendations, and after-sales support. 以增强独立和生活质量为重点,无休止计划在未来几年将扩展到印度全国100多个商店,解决由于人口老化和对残疾的认识提高而对此类产品日益增长的需求。 With a focus on enhancing independence and quality of life, Nonstop plans to expand to over 100 stores across India in the next few years, addressing the growing demand for such products due to an aging population and increased disability awareness.