关节炎基金会与 Target 合作开发设计指南。 Arthritis Foundation partners with Target to develop design guides.
关节炎基金会与 Target 合作制定了用于产品和包装设计的易用性设计指南,使因关节炎和慢性疼痛而行动不便的人们受益。 Arthritis Foundation partners with Target to develop Ease of Use Design Guides for product and packaging design, benefiting people with mobility limitations due to arthritis and chronic pain conditions. 这些指导方针与 Target 帮助所有家庭发现日常生活的乐趣的宗旨一致。 These guidelines align with Target's purpose of helping all families discover the joy of everyday life. 此次合作旨在提高可达性并使受这些情况影响的人们的生活更加轻松。 The collaboration aims to improve accessibility and make life easier for those affected by these conditions.