新奥尔良圣徒想采访鹰队进攻协调员凯伦·摩尔 担任头部教练的角色 New Orleans Saints seek to interview Eagles' offensive coordinator Kellen Moore for head coaching role.
新奥尔良圣徒要求采访费城鹰队进攻协调员凯伦·摩尔,以获得他们的首席教练职务。 The New Orleans Saints have requested to interview the Philadelphia Eagles' offensive coordinator, Kellen Moore, for their head coaching position. 摩尔曾帮助老鹰队在 NFL 冲球码数方面排名第二,他可能会在下周接受虚拟采访。 Moore, who has helped the Eagles rank second in the NFL for rushing yards, might be available for a virtual interview next week. 此外,纽约喷气机队对老鹰队的助理总经理亚历克·哈拉比 (Alec Halaby) 表现出兴趣,将其作为潜在的总经理候选人。 Additionally, the New York Jets are showing interest in the Eagles' assistant general manager, Alec Halaby, as a potential GM candidate.