新奥尔良圣徒 考虑雇用堪萨斯市酋长的进攻协调员 马特・纳吉 作为他们的新首席教练 New Orleans Saints considering hiring Kansas City Chiefs' offensive coordinator Matt Nagy as their new head coach.
据报新奥尔良圣徒对堪萨斯市头领攻势协调员Matt Nagy 的首席教练职位感兴趣。 The New Orleans Saints are reportedly interested in Kansas City Chiefs offensive coordinator Matt Nagy for their head coaching position. Nagy, 芝加哥熊队前总教练, 从2018年到2021年, 可在下星期三开始虚拟访谈。 Nagy, previously head coach of the Chicago Bears from 2018 to 2021, can start virtual interviews next Wednesday. 圣徒在11月解雇了丹尼斯·艾伦,使阵地空着。 The Saints fired Dennis Allen in November, leaving the position open. Nagy的现任团队,酋长们, 吹嘘着顶级的进攻 和本季的15 -1纪录。 Nagy's current team, the Chiefs, boasts a top-ranked offense and a 15-1 record this season.