蒙大拿的立法会议开始, 由共和党控制, 重点是可负担性和反对医疗援助计划扩张。 Montana's legislative session kicks off with Republicans in control, focusing on affordability and opposing Medicaid expansion.
蒙大拿州第69届立法会议开始,全州所有办公室都由共和党人担任,包括再次当选州长格雷格·吉安福特。 Montana's 69th legislative session commenced with all statewide offices held by Republicans, including re-elected Governor Greg Gianforte. 会议侧重于可负担性、财产税改革和住房问题。 The session focuses on affordability, property tax reform, and housing. 民主党人主张扩大医疗援助计划,而共和党人则旨在减税和投资于公共安全。 Democrats pushed for Medicaid expansion, while Republicans aim to reduce taxes and invest in public safety. 众议院有58个共和党人和42个民主党人,参议院有32个共和党人和18个民主党人。 The House has 58 Republicans and 42 Democrats, while the Senate has 32 Republicans and 18 Democrats.