102岁时,Mona Parsons在悉尼一个模拟风隧道跳伞,庆祝她的生日。 At 102, Mona Parsons celebrated her birthday by skydiving in a simulated wind tunnel in Sydney.
Mona Parsons, 102岁,住在老年护理中心, 通过在悉尼iFly的模拟环境中跳伞庆祝她的生日。 Mona Parsons, a 102-year-old resident at an aged care center, celebrated her birthday by skydiving in a simulated environment at iFly in Sydney. 莫娜以她的冒险精神而闻名, 她最近学会了钓鱼, 去看海豚, 并参观了动物园。 Known for her adventurous spirit, Mona has recently learned to fish, gone dolphin watching, and visited the zoo. 尽管年龄大,她仍然渴望尝试新的经验,目标是学习游泳,甚至与鲨鱼游泳。 Despite her age, she remains eager to try new experiences, with goals to learn swimming and even to swim with sharks.