Maurice Whitted因涉嫌提供毒品导致Britanny McNeil死亡而被捕,被控二级谋杀罪。 Maurice Whitted was arrested and charged with second-degree murder for allegedly supplying drugs that led to Britany McNeil's death.
Maurice Whitted, 35岁,在北卡罗来纳州被捕,被控因与34岁的Britanny McNeil死亡有关的二度贩毒谋杀,他在Lumberton的家中被发现无反应,后来在医院死亡。 Maurice Whitted, 35, was arrested in North Carolina and charged with second-degree murder by drug distribution in connection with the death of Britany McNeil, 34, who was found unresponsive at her home in Lumberton and later died at a hospital. Whit仍被拘留,没有保释。 Whitted remains in custody without bail. Robeson县治安官办公室强调这类案件的复杂性以及彻底调查的重要性。 The Robeson County Sheriff's Office emphasizes the complexity of such cases and the importance of thorough investigations. 当局正在向公众索取补充资料。 Authorities are seeking additional information from the public.