Tauris Cabbagestalk 因在北卡罗来纳州兰伯顿对贾斯汀·惠特德 (Justin Whitted) 的一级谋杀罪而被捕。 Tauris Cabbagestalk was arrested for the first-degree murder of Justin Whitted in Lumberton, North Carolina.
10 月 26 日,34 岁的贾斯汀·基思·惠特德 (Justin Keith Whitted) 在北卡罗来纳州兰伯顿附近被枪杀后,25 岁的陶里斯·阿格泽恩·卷心菜 (Tauris Agzene Cabbagestalk) 被捕并被指控犯有一级谋杀罪。 Tauris Agzene Cabbagestalk, 25, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder after Justin Keith Whitted, 34, was shot and killed on October 26 near Lumberton, North Carolina. Cabbagestalk 还被指控在城市范围内发射枪支和损坏个人财产。 Cabbagestalk is also charged with discharging a firearm in the city limits and injury to personal property. 他于10月28日被拘留,目前没有保释金。 He was taken into custody on October 28 and is being held without bond. 警方认为公众的匿名提示和罗宾逊县警长办公室在逮捕中提供了帮助. Police credited the public's anonymous tips and the Robeson County Sheriff's Office for assistance in the arrest.