在南非纳尔逊·曼德拉湾,一名劫持受害者在警察追逐和枪战中从被盗的汽车后备箱中获救,导致若干人被捕。 In Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa, a hijacking victim was rescued from a stolen car trunk during a police chase and shootout, leading to several arrests.
在南非纳尔逊·曼德拉湾,一名劫机受害者在警察追逐和枪战中被困在一辆被盗汽车的后备箱中后获救。 In Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa, a hijacking victim was rescued after being trapped in the trunk of a stolen car during a police chase and shootout. 事件发生时,警察追逐一辆可疑车辆,导致坠毁和对峙,嫌疑人向警察开枪。 The incident began when police pursued a suspicious vehicle, leading to a crash and a confrontation where suspects fired at officers. 受害者设法从后备箱逃走,并警告警察。 The victim managed to escape from the trunk and alert the police. 几名嫌疑人被捕,并面临劫持、绑架和非法持有火器的指控。 Several suspects were arrested and face charges of hijacking, kidnapping, and illegal firearm possession.