Lara Roetzel成为Pennington县第一位女州检察官, 关注枪支暴力和零售盗窃。 Lara Roetzel becomes Pennington County's first female State's Attorney, focusing on gun violence and retail theft.
Lara Roetzel已宣誓就任Pennington县第一位女州检察官,接替Mark Vargo。 Lara Roetzel has been sworn in as Pennington County's first female State's Attorney, succeeding Mark Vargo. Roetzel拥有超过28年的法律经验,侧重于解决枪支暴力和零售盗窃问题。 With over 28 years of legal experience, Roetzel focuses on addressing gun violence and retail theft. 她在24名州副检察官中宣誓就职,目的是在公共安全与监禁替代办法之间取得平衡,同时与执法部门和社区伙伴合作预防犯罪。 She swore in 24 deputy state's attorneys and aims to balance public safety with alternatives to incarceration, while working with law enforcement and community partners to prevent crime.