Laila Soueif, 狱中活动家Alaa Abd el-Fatah的母亲, 绝食抗议100天, Laila Soueif, mother of jailed activist Alaa Abd el-Fattah, marks 100 days in hunger strike urging UK action.
Laila Soueif, 68岁, 英国-埃及囚犯活动家Alaa Abd el-Fatah的母亲, 绝食已达100天, 向英国政府施压, Laila Soueif, 68, the mother of imprisoned British-Egyptian activist Alaa Abd el-Fattah, has reached 100 days of a hunger strike to pressure the UK government for her son's release. Abd el-Fatah是埃及2011年起义的关键人物, 正在服刑五年, Abd el-Fattah, a key figure in Egypt's 2011 uprising, is serving a five-year sentence for allegedly spreading false news. Soueif靠起码的生计生存,要求联合王国采取更有力的干预行动。 Soueif, surviving on minimal sustenance, demands the UK intervene more forcefully. 英国政府声称,它正在努力确保他获释,并曾向埃及总统提出过这个问题。 The UK government claims it is working on securing his release and previously raised the issue with Egypt's president.