沙米玛·贝古姆呼吁重新获得英国公民身份。 Shamima Begum's appeal to regain her British citizenship.
2015 年,15 岁的英国女性沙米玛·贝古姆 (Shamima Begum) 离开英国加入 ISIS,她最近一次要求重新获得英国公民身份并返回英国的上诉失败了。 Shamima Begum, the British woman who left the UK to join ISIS in 2015 at age 15, has lost her latest appeal to regain her British citizenship and return to the UK. 上诉法院裁定,2019年以国家安全为由取消她公民身份的决定是合法的。 The Court of Appeal ruled that the decision to remove her citizenship on national security grounds in 2019 was lawful. 贝古姆自 2019 年在难民营被发现以来一直居住在叙利亚北部的拘留营中,她辩称英国政府未能考虑到她作为人口贩运潜在受害者的身份。 Begum, who has been living in a detention camp in northern Syria since her discovery in a refugee camp in 2019, had argued that the UK government had failed to consider her status as a potential victim of human trafficking. 然而,法院得出的结论是,内政大臣在取消贝古姆公民身份时无需将贝古姆视为人口贩运的受害者。 However, the court concluded that the Home Secretary was not required to consider Begum as a victim of trafficking when he removed her citizenship.