37 岁的凯尔·肖 (Kyle Shaw) 被指控跟踪 Strictly Come Dancing 评委雪莉·巴拉斯 (Shirley Ballas) 六年。 Kyle Shaw, 37, charged with stalking Strictly Come Dancing judge Shirley Ballas for six years.
来自Birkenhead的37岁男子Kyle Shaw被指控通过2017年至2023年的在线讯息跟踪严格来场的舞蹈法官Shirley Ballas。 Kyle Shaw, a 37-year-old man from Birkenhead, was charged with stalking Strictly Come Dancing judge Shirley Ballas through online messages from 2017 to 2023. Shaw还面临持有大麻的指控,并获得有条件保释,直至1月31日在利物浦刑事法院下一次开庭审理。 Shaw also faces a charge of cannabis possession and was granted conditional bail until his next hearing on January 31 at Liverpool Crown Court. BBC节目的Ballas自2017年以来一直是BBC节目的法官,由于跟踪骚扰,Ballas遭受了极大的痛苦,这迫使她改变日常活动。 Ballas, who has been a judge on the BBC show since 2017, experienced significant distress due to the stalking, which forced her to alter her daily activities.