调查人员正在使用DNA 来识别更多印地安那连环杀手Herbert Baumeister的受害者 Investigators are using DNA to identify more victims of Indiana serial killer Herbert Baumeister.
在印地安那州,正在重新努力查明涉嫌连环杀手Herbert Baumeister的受害者,1996年其财产内有数千具人骨。 In Indiana, a renewed effort is underway to identify the victims of suspected serial killer Herbert Baumeister, whose property contained thousands of human bones in 1996. 最初,只查明了8名受害者,但现在包括联邦调查局和法医专家在内的一个小组希望通过将失踪人员亲属的DNA与遗骸样本相匹配,确定更多的受害者。 Initially, only eight victims were identified, but now a team including the FBI and forensic experts hopes to identify more by matching DNA from relatives of missing men with samples from the remains. 通过这项努力,2023年10月查明了第九名受害者Allen Livingston的身份。 This effort led to the identification of a ninth victim, Allen Livingston, in October 2023.