El Paso Water修补了泄漏超过10万加仑的主要废水管道,确保饮用水安全。 El Paso Water fixes major wastewater pipe that spilled over 100,000 gallons, ensuring drinking water safety.
埃尔帕索水务公司正在修复埃尔帕索东北部一大废水管道断裂, El Paso Water is fixing a major wastewater pipe break in Northeast El Paso that spilled over 100,000 gallons on January 5th. 公共饮水依然安全,服务没有中断。 The public drinking water remains safe, and services have not been interrupted. 备用线路正在将废水转移到回收设施。 A backup line is diverting wastewater to a reclamation facility. 客户应与其供水商进行检查,以确保水的安全。 Customers should check with their water supplier to ensure water safety. 详情请与Angel Bustamante联系(915) 594-5401。 For more information, contact Angel Bustamante at (915) 594-5401.