查谟和克什米尔的一名CRPF军官被发现死亡,据称他用他的枪自杀。 A CRPF officer in Jammu and Kashmir was found dead, allegedly having taken his own life with his service rifle.
一名55岁的CRPF助理副监察员Rajnath Prasad来自比哈尔,据称在查谟和克什米尔Reasi区Tarakote路线沿线的一个临时的CRPF纠察点上,他拿着用枪自杀。 A 55-year-old CRPF Assistant Sub-Inspector, Rajnath Prasad from Bihar, allegedly took his own life with his service rifle at a makeshift CRPF picket along the Tarakote route in Jammu and Kashmir's Reasi district. 他的同事在听到枪声后发现他已死亡。 His colleagues found him dead after hearing a gunshot. 警方已开始对这一事件进行调查,但是他的行动背后的动机仍然不明。 Police have initiated an investigation into the incident, but the motive behind his actions remains unclear.