一名中国工人在没有安全设备的情况下从电梯里摔下来,处于昏迷状态;WorkSafe负责调查。 A Chinese worker falls from a lift without safety gear, left in a coma; WorkSafe investigates.
一名37岁的中国移民工人Jun Jiang在没有安全带或头盔的奥克兰仓库从剪刀电梯掉下来后,陷入昏迷并靠生命维生的状态。 A 37-year-old Chinese migrant worker, Jun Jiang, is in a coma and on life support after falling from a scissor lift at an Auckland warehouse without a safety harness or helmet. WorkSafe新西兰正在调查发生在SD铝厂的事件。 WorkSafe New Zealand is investigating the incident, which occurred at SD Aluminium. 公司支持江和家人 The company is supporting Jiang and his family. 《工作场所健康和安全法》要求企业确保工人的安全,包括使用秋天逮捕系统和头盔。 The Health and Safety at Work Act mandates businesses to ensure worker safety, including the use of fall arrest systems and helmets.