皇家文学学会主席和主任在新闻检查和多样性政策争议中辞去职务。 Chairman and director resign from Royal Society of Literature amid censorship and diversity policy controversies.
皇家文学学会会长兼会长在年会召开前辞去职务。 The chairman and director of the Royal Society of Literature (RSL) have resigned ahead of its annual meeting, amid accusations of censorship and lowering membership standards to promote diversity. 辞职是因为主要作者提出批评,慈善委员会也参与其中。 The resignations follow criticism from prominent authors and the involvement of the Charity Commission. RSL 因处理萨尔曼·拉什迪 (Salman Rushdie) 被刺事件和支持被攻击的作家而面临进一步的审查。 The RSL faces further scrutiny over its handling of the stabbing of Salman Rushdie and support for attacked writers.