58岁的Paul Newell在阿拉巴马州Center Point被致命枪杀;30岁的Steven McDaniel被控谋杀。 In Center Point, Alabama, 58-year-old Paul Newell was fatally shot; Steven McDaniel, 30, was charged with murder.
58岁的Paul Raymond Newell 在阿拉巴马州中心点 星期天晚上被致命枪击身亡 In Center Point, Alabama, 58-year-old Paul Raymond Newell was fatally shot Sunday night. 他在 Second Place NE 的 2200 街区被发现受伤,到达 UAB 医院后不久就去世了。 Found wounded in the 2200 block of Second Place NE, he died shortly after arriving at UAB Hospital. Steven Lee McDaniel, 30岁, 被控蓄意谋杀, 并且没有保释。 Steven Lee McDaniel, 30, has been charged with intentional murder and is held without bond. 当局要求公众提供任何信息,可联系205-324-1450或犯罪制止者205-254-7777。 Authorities request any information from the public and can be contacted at 205-324-1450 or Crime Stoppers at 205-254-7777.