在阿拉巴马州中心点被致命枪杀的男子;当局在调查中寻求公众的帮助。 Man fatally shot in Center Point, Alabama; authorities seek public help in investigation.
星期一晚上11: 50左右 一名男子在阿拉巴马州中心点被致命枪击身亡 A man was fatally shot in Center Point, Alabama, on Monday night around 11:50 pm. Jefferson郡警长的副警长回应了Polly Reed路上的一个人的报告 发现他身上有枪伤 Jefferson County Sheriff's deputies responded to a report of a person down on Polly Reed Road and found the man with a gunshot wound. 尽管他被中心消防和救援中心送往阿布扎维派医院,但他后来死亡。 Despite being taken to UAB Hospital by Center Point Fire & Rescue, he later died. 当局没有逮捕任何人,并要求公众提供信息。 No arrests have been made, and authorities are requesting information from the public.