Vallejo居民向总督Newsom请愿, 因为犯罪率上升和警察人员不足, Vallejo residents petition Governor Newsom for more CHP due to rising crime and police understaffing.
加利福尼亚州瓦莱霍(Vallejo)居民向州长Gavin Newsom请愿, 要求增加加利福尼亚高速公路巡逻人员, 以应对不断上升的犯罪, Residents of Vallejo, California, are petitioning Governor Gavin Newsom to increase California Highway Patrol presence to address rising crime, including car sideshows, drug crimes, shootings, and shoplifting. Vallejo的警察局人手不足,129个职位中只有75个得到填补。 Vallejo's police department is understaffed, with only 75 out of 129 positions filled. 总督Newsom已承认这一请求,并签署了紧急立法,允许退休的索拉诺县议员返回部队。 Governor Newsom has acknowledged the request and signed emergency legislation to allow retired Solano County deputies to return to the force.