联合王国向340万长期残疾者提供个人独立费,每月最多798.63英镑。 UK offers Personal Independence Payment to 3.4 million with long-term disabilities, up to £798.63 monthly.
对于那些长期患有健康问题或残疾影响日常工作或行动能力的人,英国劳工和养老金部提供个人独立支付 (PIP). The UK's Department for Work and Pensions offers Personal Independence Payment (PIP) to those with long-term health conditions or disabilities affecting daily tasks or mobility. 近340万人要求获得PIP,每月最高可达798.63英镑,分为每日生活和流动部分。 Nearly 3.4 million people claim PIP, which can be up to £798.63 monthly, divided into daily living and mobility components. 资格要求有一个长期条件,造成预计至少持续一年的困难。 Eligibility requires a long-term condition causing difficulties expected to last at least a year.