发言人Mike Johnson打算在4月前通过一项关于移民、税收和能源的十亿元法案。 Speaker Mike Johnson aims to pass a sweeping $trillion bill on immigration, taxes, and energy by April.
美国众议院议长麦克·约翰逊(Mike Johnson)计划在特朗普总统的最初100天内, 通过一项涉及移民、减税和能源生产的数万亿美元的法案。 Mike Johnson, Speaker of the US House, plans to pass a multi-trillion-dollar bill addressing immigration, tax cuts, and energy production within President Trump's first 100 days. 该法案综合了若干优先事项,可以通过和解规则以简单多数通过参议院。 The bill, combining several priorities, could pass the Senate with a simple majority via reconciliation rules. 它包括边境安全筹资、驱逐无证移民、延长减税和提高债务上限。 It includes border security funding, deportation of undocumented immigrants, extending tax cuts, and raising the debt ceiling. 第一次众议院投票定于4月3日举行,希望参议院批准,并在月底前签署。 An initial House vote is scheduled for April 3, with hopes of Senate approval and signing by month's end.