增进印度学校心理健康的Richa Gupta赢得了穆罕默德·阿里人道主义奖。 Richa Gupta, who boosts mental health in Indian schools, wins Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award.
Labhya的首席执行官Richa Gupta获得穆罕默德·阿里人道主义奖, Richa Gupta, CEO of Labhya, an organization that integrates well-being programs into India's public schools, has been awarded the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award. Gupta的工作改善了22 000多所学校中数以百万计儿童的心理健康。 Gupta's work has improved the mental health of millions of children in over 22,000 schools. 该奖项于2013年设立,表彰了体现穆罕默德·阿里人道主义原则的个人。 The award, established in 2013, honors individuals embodying the humanitarian principles of Muhammad Ali.