研究人员发现有DNA损伤的细胞如何触发免疫反应,从而有可能导致更好的癌症治疗。 Researchers discover how cells with DNA damage trigger immune responses, potentially leading to better cancer treatments.
来自UC Irvine的研究人员揭开了一个新机制,在DNA受损的细胞中触发免疫反应,公布于《自然结构和分子生物学》。 Researchers from UC Irvine unveiled a new mechanism that triggers immune responses in cells with damaged DNA, published in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 这一机制因紫外线接触或某些化疗药物而启动,涉及IRAK1酶和NF-B蛋白,它发出免疫细胞信号。 This mechanism, activated by UV exposure or certain chemotherapy drugs, involves the IRAK1 enzyme and NF-κB protein, which signals immune cells. 这种发现可能导致更个性化的癌症治疗,减少副作用,改善患者的结果。 This discovery could lead to more personalized cancer treatments, reducing side effects and improving patient outcomes.