一名男子在网路鞋销售失败后, 在新西兰Kwhai公园遭枪击抢劫。 A man was shot and robbed at Kōwhai Park in New Zealand after a failed online shoe sale.
1 月 4 日,一名男子在新西兰菲尔丁的 Kōwhai 公园被枪杀并抢劫,当时他在网上交易了一双价值 2,000 美元的鞋子,但未遂。 A man was shot and robbed at Kōwhai Park in Feilding, New Zealand, during a failed online transaction for a $2,000 pair of shoes on January 4. 三个蒙面人与受害者和另一个人对质,要求金钱。 Three masked individuals confronted the victim and another person, demanding money. 当他们拒绝时,受害人中枪受伤。 When they refused, the victim was shot and injured. 袭击者携带电话和其他物品逃离。 The attackers fled with phones and other items. 警察正在调查这一事件,受害者住院。 Police are investigating the incident, and the victim was hospitalized.