新西兰的奶制品店主Shreya Gandhi遭到四名蒙面男子的暴力攻击和抢劫。 Shreya Gandhi, a dairy owner in New Zealand, was violently attacked and robbed by four masked men.
新西兰下赫特一家奶制品店主Shreya Gandhi遭到四名蒙面男子的严重袭击和抢劫。 Shreya Gandhi, owner of a dairy in Lower Hutt, New Zealand, was severely assaulted and robbed by four masked men. 袭击者在逃离之前偷走了2100美元的现金和价值约25 000至30 000美元的货物。 The attackers stole $2100 in cash and about $25,000-$30,000 worth of goods before fleeing. 住在她店铺上方的受创伤的甘地在返回房舍时遇到了困难。 The traumatized Gandhi, who lives above her shop, has faced difficulty returning to the premises. 社区表示了支持,警方正在调查暴力事件,寻找证人。 The community has shown support, and police are investigating the violent incident, seeking witnesses.