老挝最大的艺术博物馆在万象开放,旨在保护文化和促进旅游业。 Largest Lao Art Museum opens in Vientiane, aiming to preserve culture and boost tourism.
老挝最大的老挝艺术博物馆于1月6日在万象正式启用,这是文化保护方面的一个重要里程碑。 The Lao Art Museum, the largest in Laos, officially opened in Vientiane on January 6th, marking a significant milestone in cultural preservation. 该博物馆以老挝传统木雕为特色,旨在激励当地艺术家和吸引游客。 The museum, which features traditional Lao woodcarvings, aims to inspire local artists and attract tourists. 其预算超过5 000万美元,面积80公顷,还力求促进当地经济,深化文化认同。 With a budget of over 50 million USD and spanning 80 hectares, it also seeks to boost local economies and deepen cultural identity.