真主党领导人Hassan Nasrallah去年在以色列空袭中被杀, Hezbollah says leader Hassan Nasrallah was killed last year in an Israeli airstrike, but neither side has confirmed.
据真主党一名高级官员说,据报道,Hezhbollah领导人Hassan Nasrallah去年在以色列空袭该团体作战室时被打死。 Hezhbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was reportedly killed last year in an Israeli airstrike while in the group's war operations room, according to a senior Hezbollah official. 然而,真主党或以色列尚未就他的死亡作出正式确认。 However, there has been no official confirmation from Hezbollah or Israel regarding his death. 这一主张是在该地区持续紧张和最近促成的停火中提出来的。 The claim comes amid ongoing tensions in the region and a recently brokered ceasefire.