四名新加坡人因毒品价值超过730 000美元被地方当局扣押而被捕。 Four Singaporeans were arrested for drugs worth over $730,000, seized by local authorities.
在缉获价值超过100万新加坡元(约730 000美元)的毒品之后,4名新加坡青年被中央麻醉品局逮捕。 Four young Singaporeans were arrested by the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) after drugs valued at over 1 million Singapore dollars (about 730,000 USD) were seized. 包括大麻在内的毒品可以供应大约4,590名吸毒者一周。 The drugs, which include cannabis, could supply around 4,590 drug users for a week. 嫌犯是在新加坡东部抓获的,调查仍在进行中。 The suspects were caught in eastern Singapore, and investigations are still ongoing.