内华达州斯帕克斯的消防员 迅速扑灭越野车的火 救狗 没有受伤报告 Firefighters in Sparks, Nevada, quickly extinguish RV fire, save dog; no injuries reported.
1月6日,内华达州斯帕克斯的消防员在菲尔德街快速灭了一辆40英尺长的露营车的火灾, 拯救了一只狗, 没有伤害人或动物. On January 6, firefighters in Sparks, Nevada, quickly extinguished a fire in a 40-foot RV on Field Street, rescuing a dog with no injuries to people or animals. 火焰威胁附近一座建筑和另一辆越野车,但受到迅速控制。 The blaze threatened a nearby building and another RV but was swiftly controlled. 调查正在进行中。 An investigation is ongoing.