厄瓜多尔前总统若尔热·格拉斯(Jorge Glas)因涉嫌暗杀未遂而从监狱撤离。 Ecuador's ex-Vice President Jorge Glas evacuated from prison amid alleged assassination attempt.
厄瓜多尔前副总统豪尔赫·格拉斯在据称发生暗杀未遂事件后被短暂地从监狱撤走。 Ecuador's former Vice President, Jorge Glas, was briefly evacuated from prison following an alleged assassination attempt. 他的律师Sonia Gabriela Vera指控政府危及Glas的生命, His lawyer, Sonia Gabriela Vera, accuses the government of endangering Glas' life and calls for international intervention. Glas于4月被捕, 尽管他的支持者声称指控是出于政治动机, 却面临更多滥用地震救济资金的指控。 Glas, arrested in April, faces additional charges of misusing funds for earthquake relief, though his supporters claim the charges are politically motivated.