在海洋条件和市场需求不确定的情况下,鲸鱼开始在西海岸季节捕鱼。 Crabbers begin West Coast season amid uncertain ocean conditions and market demands.
商业捕蟹季节开始于西海岸主要渔区, 捕蟹者设下陷阱, The commercial crabbing season has begun in key fishing areas along the West Coast, with crabbers setting out their traps in the hope of a bountiful catch. 由于海洋气温波动和市场需求,本季的前景不确定。 This season's outlook is uncertain due to fluctuating ocean temperatures and market demands. 尽管环境和经济因素构成挑战,渔民还是持谨慎乐观态度。 Fishermen are cautiously optimistic despite the challenges posed by environmental and economic factors.