中国东方表演艺术集团在洛杉矶的桃乐西·钱德勒展厅表演“东方之舞”。 China Oriental Performing Arts Group performs "Dance of Oriental" at Los Angeles' Dorothy Chandler Pavilion.
洛杉矶的桃乐西·钱德勒展厅主办了一场“东方之舞”的一夜表演,以中国东方表演艺术团为主角。 The Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles hosted a one-night-only performance of "Dance of Oriental," featuring the China Oriental Performing Arts Group. 该节目由Oever介绍, 将古典和民间舞蹈与传统故事讲述相结合, 庆祝中国文化, 并促进跨文化理解。 The show, presented by Oever, blended classical and folk dances with traditional storytelling, celebrating Chinese culture and fostering cross-cultural understanding. 团团的巡回演出包括世界各地70个城市的600多次演出。 The troupe's tour has included over 600 performances in 70 cities worldwide.