另一家航空公司宣布破产,凸显了该行业的金融斗争。 Another airline declares bankruptcy, highlighting the industry's financial struggles.
另一家主要航空公司宣布破产,加剧了航空业的金融斗争。 Another major airline has declared bankruptcy, adding to the financial struggles of the aviation industry. 当前的经济挑战和日益加剧的竞争迫使该公司寻求债权人的保护。 The ongoing economic challenges and increased competition have pushed the company to seek protection from its creditors. 这一事态发展突出表明航空公司面临更广泛的财政困难,其他几家航空公司也报告了财务困难。 This development highlights the broader financial difficulties facing airlines, with several other carriers also reporting financial troubles.