Albuquerque警察对星期天在一所房子里发现的一个身份不明的男子的可疑死亡进行调查。 Albuquerque police investigate a suspicious death of an unidentified man found in a house on Sunday.
Albuquerque的警方正在调查 星期天早上在Avalon路上发现的可疑死亡案 Police in Albuquerque are investigating a suspicious death discovered Sunday morning on Avalon Road NW. 受害人是在一栋房屋内发现的一个身份不明的男子,于上午7时30分左右被发现。 The victim, an unidentified man found inside a house, was discovered around 7:30 a.m. 死因尚未确定,警方凶杀案警探参与了正在进行的调查。 The cause of death is still undetermined, and APD Homicide Detectives are involved in the ongoing investigation.