警察调查在Arlington公寓发现55岁男子的可疑死亡,伤势严重。 Police investigating suspicious death of 55-year-old man found with severe injuries in Arlington apartment.
一名55岁的男子被发现死在他的Arlington公寓中,身受重伤,当时邻居发现窗户破碎,叫警察。 A 55-year-old man was found dead in his Arlington apartment with severe injuries after a neighbor noticed a broken window and called police. 前门显示有强行进入的迹象。 The front door showed signs of forced entry. 警方正在调查可疑死亡事件,寻找证人和证据,至今没有逮捕任何人。 Police are investigating the suspicious death, searching for witnesses and evidence, with no arrests made so far.