女演员Aubrey Plaza的丈夫Jeff Baena在47岁时被发现死亡。 Writer-director Jeff Baena, husband of actress Aubrey Plaza, was found dead at 47.
辛辛那提班加尔队以19比17战胜了匹兹堡钢人队, 保持了季后赛的希望. Cincinnati Bengals won 19-17 against Pittsburgh Steelers, keeping their playoff hopes alive. 巴尔的摩乌鸦队以 35-10 战胜克利夫兰布朗队,确保了 AFC North 的冠军。 Baltimore Ravens secured the AFC North with a 35-10 win over Cleveland Browns. LeBron James打破了Michael JordanNBA的30点比赛纪录。 LeBron James broke Michael Jordan's NBA record for 30-point games. Aubrey Plaza的丈夫作家导演Jeff Baena于47岁被发现死亡。 Writer-director Jeff Baena, husband of Aubrey Plaza, was found dead at 47. 500多只动物死于达拉斯购物中心的火灾中。 Over 500 animals died in a Dallas shopping center fire. 前NFL球员Jason Kelce 揭开了他的晚间秀 Former NFL player Jason Kelce debuted his late-night show. Itooka Tomiko Itooka 世界上最老的人 116岁 去世了 Tomiko Itooka, the world's oldest person at 116, passed away.