Bengals QB Joe Burrow的家在周一晚上足球比赛中遭到盗窃, Bengals QB Joe Burrow's home was burglarized during a Monday Night Football game, highlighting security concerns for NFL players.
Cincinnati Bengals四分卫Joe Burrow的家被盗窃,当时他正在玩周一晚上足球比赛, 对抗达拉斯牛仔。 Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow's home was burglarized while he was playing a Monday Night Football game against the Dallas Cowboys. 汉密尔顿郡治安官办公室证实了这次闯入事件,其中涉及一个破碎的卧室窗户和一个被洗劫的房间。 The Hamilton County Sheriff's Office confirmed the break-in, which involved a shattered bedroom window and a ransacked room. 这一事件是在11月全国武装部队发布安全警报后发生的,该警报警告有组织和有技能的团体在比赛日将运动员的家作为目标。 This incident follows an NFL security alert issued in November, warning of organized and skilled groups targeting athletes' homes on game days. 类似的入室盗窃也影响了其他NFL球员,包括Patrick Mahomes和Travis Kelce。 Similar burglaries have affected other NFL players, including Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce. NFL建议球员加强家庭安保措施。 The NFL advised players to increase home security measures.