坦桑尼亚改用更便宜的CNG车辆,面临基础设施加油的挑战。 Tanzania shifts to cheaper CNG for vehicles, faces refueling infrastructure challenges.
由于坦桑尼亚拥有大量的近海天然气储备,坦桑尼亚正在向车辆使用压缩天然气(CNG)的趋势转变,目的是到本世纪中期广泛采用。 Tanzania is seeing a shift towards using compressed natural gas (CNG) in vehicles, aiming for widespread adoption by mid-century due to the country's large offshore gas reserves. 虽然CNG比汽油便宜, 但有限的加油站造成了延误和挫折. While CNG is much cheaper than petrol, limited refueling stations are causing delays and frustration. 司机往往花更多的时间等待加油,而不是挣钱,但节省的大量费用使司机始终致力于加油。 Drivers often spend more time waiting to refuel than earning money, but the significant cost savings keep them committed. 政府计划扩大中央政府的基础设施,以支持不断增长的需求。 The government plans to expand CNG infrastructure to support growing demand.