NASENI推出我的CNG应用程序,根据总统的CNG倡议,对CNG车辆转换实行50%的折扣。 NASENI launches MY-CNG app for 50% discount on CNG vehicle conversion under the Presidential CNG Initiative.
NASENI推出我的CNG应用程序,提供50%的折扣,以便通过总统的CNG倡议的转换奖励方案,将车辆转换成压缩天然气(CNG)。 NASENI launches MY-CNG app offering 50% discount to convert vehicles to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) via the Presidential CNG Initiative's Conversion Incentive Programme. 该倡议旨在推广更清洁、更负担得起的燃料,可以将运输成本降低70%,并为汽车业主节省40%。 Aimed at promoting cleaner, more affordable fuel, the initiative could reduce transportation costs by up to 70% and provide 40% savings for car owners. 波特兰天然气公司、Pi-CNG公司和Dana汽车公司等伙伴在尼日利亚的天然气革命中进行合作,强调技术和合作对于国家转型的重要性。 Partners Portland Gas, Pi-CNG, and Dana Motors collaborate in Nigeria's gas revolution, emphasizing the importance of technology and collaboration for national transformation.