七人在克利夫兰被捕 与枪击事件有关 导致一名男子住院治疗 Seven people were arrested in Cleveland in connection with a shooting that left a man hospitalized.
克利夫兰警方逮捕了7人,其中包括5名19至54岁的男子和2名妇女,他们与1月2日在Hartlepool发生的一起枪击事件有关。 Seven people, including five men and two women ranging in age from 19 to 54, were arrested by Cleveland Police in connection with a shooting incident in Hartlepool on January 2. 一名三十多岁的男子被疑似枪伤严重打伤,目前正在医院。 A man in his thirties was seriously injured by suspected gunshot wounds and is currently in the hospital. 随着调查的继续,疑犯仍被警方拘留。 The suspects remain in police custody as the investigation continues. 警察并不认为对广大公众构成威胁。 Police do not believe there is a threat to the wider public.