连环杀手托德·科尔赫普 (Todd Kohlhepp) 在被捕前留下了可疑的评论;伊薇·阿玛蒂 (Evie Amati) 和埃莉诺·威廉姆斯 (Eleanor Williams) 获得假释引发了争论。 Serial killer Todd Kohlhepp left suspicious reviews before arrest; parole granted to Evie Amati and Eleanor Williams sparks debate.
Todd Kohlhepp是具有心理问题史的连环杀手,他在被捕前对武器进行了可疑审查。 Todd Kohlhepp, a serial killer with a history of psychological issues, left suspicious reviews on weapons before his arrest. 在澳大利亚,前Karl Amati的Evie Amati在因残忍的斧头袭击而服完部分刑期后获得假释。 In Australia, Evie Amati, formerly Karl Amati, was granted parole after serving part of her sentence for a brutal axe attack. 在另一起案件中,Eleanor Williams编造了强奸故事,导致无辜男子自杀和被捕,他也提早从监狱被释放,引起当地争议。 In another case, Eleanor Williams, who fabricated stories of rape, leading to suicides and arrests of innocent men, was also released early from prison, sparking local controversy.