苏格兰喜剧演员理查德·加德的Netflix系列"婴儿鹿"在法律争议中获得金球奖提名. Scottish comedian Richard Gadd's Netflix series "Baby Reindeer" is Golden Globe-nominated amid legal controversy.
苏格兰喜剧演员理查德·加德的Netflix系列"婴儿鹿",灵感来自他的真实生活经历,被提名为最佳电视有限系列和最佳男主角在一个有限系列在金球奖. Scottish comedian Richard Gadd's Netflix series "Baby Reindeer," inspired by his real-life experiences, is nominated for Best TV Limited Series and Best Actor in a Limited Series at the Golden Globes. 这场节目赢得了六场Emmys, 但由于一场诉讼而面临争议, The show has won six Emmys but faces controversy due to a lawsuit alleging it inaccurately portrays real events. 尽管存在法律问题, Netflix仍与Gadd签署新协议, 他准备在2026年执行英国广播公司和HBO名为「半人」的项目。 Despite legal issues, Netflix signed a new deal with Gadd, and he is set to work on a BBC and HBO project titled "Half Man" in 2026.