沙特阿拉伯将海水淡化量提高31%,减少对地下水的依赖,推动实现《2030年远景规划》的目标。 Saudi Arabia boosts water desalination by 31%, cutting reliance on groundwater and boosting Vision 2030 goals.
沙特阿拉伯的淡化水产量增加了31%,现在供应了该国50%的水需求,比2022年的44%有所增加。 Saudi Arabia has ramped up its desalinated water production by 31%, now supplying 50% of the country's water needs, up from 44% in 2022. 这一转变支持了国家2030年愿景计划,使经济多样化,减少对不可再生资源的依赖。 This shift supports the nation's Vision 2030 plan to diversify the economy and reduce dependence on non-renewable resources. 该国用于农业的非可再生地下水也下降了7%,水再利用增加了12%,共计5.55亿立方米。 The country also saw a 7% drop in non-renewable groundwater used for agriculture and a 12% increase in water reuse, totaling 555 million cubic meters. 尽管发生了这些变化,农业仍然是最大的用水者,耗水122.98亿立方米,尽管其水费仅占0.5%。 Despite these changes, agriculture remains the biggest water user, consuming 12,298 million cubic meters, though its share of water costs is only 0.5%.