警方在阿布贾营救被遗弃的新生儿;母亲因遗弃儿童而被捕。 Police rescue abandoned newborn in Abuja; mother arrested for child abandonment.
阿布贾联邦首都地区警察营救了一个在姆帕佩地区Crush Rock附近被遗弃的婴儿。 The Federal Capital Territory Police in Abuja rescued a one-day-old baby found abandoned near Crush Rock in the Mpape area. 母亲Khadija Ali是在社区成员向当局报告后被逮捕的。 The mother, Khadija Ali, was arrested after community members reported her to authorities. Ali承认因经济困难而抛弃了婴儿。 Ali admitted to abandoning the baby due to financial difficulties. 婴儿被送往保健中心,将由社会福利部照顾,而Ali则根据2003年《儿童权利法》受到起诉。 The baby was taken to a health center and will be cared for by the Department of Social Welfare, while Ali faces prosecution under the Child Rights Act 2003.